Evaluate: Prioritize Causes to Address in Infrastructure Projects

You’ve meticulously gathered data, brainstormed potential causes, and maybe even constructed a fault tree analysis diagram. Now comes the crucial step: evaluating and prioritizing the identified causes. In the world of infrastructure, where resources are often limited and downtime can be costly, focusing your efforts on the most impactful issues is essential.

1. Assess the Impact:

Not all causes are created equal. Some might have a minor impact, while others could cripple critical systems. Consider:

  • Severity: How severe are the consequences of this cause? Does it lead to complete system failure, minor performance degradation, or something in between?
  • Frequency: How often does this cause contribute to the problem? Is it a recurring issue or a one-time event?
  • Scope: How widespread is the impact? Does it affect a single user, a department, or the entire organization?

2. Determine the Likelihood:

How likely is this cause to contribute to the problem again in the future? Consider:

  • Past occurrences: Has this cause been identified in previous incidents?
  • Current conditions: Are the conditions that led to this cause still present?
  • Predictive analysis: Can you use data analysis or modeling to predict the likelihood of recurrence?

3. Evaluate the Effort:

Addressing each cause will require resources – time, budget, personnel. Estimate the effort involved:

  • Complexity: How complex is the solution? Will it require significant changes to infrastructure or processes?
  • Resource availability: Do you have the necessary resources (personnel, budget, tools) to implement the solution?
  • Time constraints: How quickly can the solution be implemented?

4. Prioritize with a Scoring System:

A scoring system can help you objectively prioritize causes. Assign weights to each factor (impact, likelihood, effort) based on their relative importance. For example:


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Then, score each cause on a scale (e.g., 1-5) for each factor and calculate a weighted score. Causes with higher scores should be prioritized.

Example: Prioritizing Network Latency Causes

CauseImpact (5)Likelihood (3)Effort (2)Weighted Score
Outdated network hardware43333
Insufficient bandwidth54242
Misconfigured router32117

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In this example, “Insufficient bandwidth” receives the highest score and should be addressed first, followed by “Outdated network hardware.”

5. Consider Dependencies:

Sometimes, addressing one cause might resolve or mitigate others. Identify any dependencies between causes to optimize your efforts.

6. Document and Communicate:

Clearly document the evaluation process and the rationale behind the prioritization. Communicate the priorities to stakeholders to ensure alignment and manage expectations.

By systematically evaluating and prioritizing causes, infrastructure project managers can focus their resources on the most critical issues, maximizing their impact and ensuring the long-term health and stability of their systems

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