Tag: HackingHR
Unleashing the Power of Everyday Innovation: How HR Can Drive Continuous Improvement
Celebrating Innovation and Collaboration: Reflections on the Hacking HR Panel As the moderator of the Hacking HR panel on “Creating a Culture of Innovation: Strategic HR Initiatives and Everyday Practices,” I had the privilege of engaging with two remarkable HR leaders, Tresina Lockhart and Anna Mamalaki. Their depth of expertise and thought leadership left a…
Empathy in Action: Insights from the “Empathy in Action” Leadership Panel
I had the privilege of hosting a group of experienced leaders in an insightful discussion on the importance of empathy in leadership. The topic of the panel, “Empathy in Action: A Toolkit for Leaders and Managers to Act with Empathy,” emphasized the growing significance of empathy as an essential skill in modern management, particularly in…
Fostering Intergenerational Collaboration in the Workplace
Harnessing the Power of Intergenerational Collaboration: Strategies for the Modern Workplace In today’s fast-paced business world, I’ve observed how our workplaces have become more diverse, especially with multiple generations working together. This generational mix brings its challenges, but I see it as a tremendous opportunity for organisations to foster innovation, increase engagement, and achieve sustainable…
Agile HR: Integrating Agile Methodologies into Strategic HR Planning and Execution
I recently moderated a panel discussion explored how agile HR can drive greater impact, the challenges that may arise, and practical steps for effective implementation. The panel of HR leaders shared invaluable insights on integrating agile methodologies to transform their functions and better support dynamic business needs. This esteemed group of practitioners has pioneered the…
Driving Impact Through Agile HR: Lessons Learned from Pioneers in the Field
NTRODUCTION Today I had the pleasure of joining a panel with a wonderful group of Agile HR thought leaders as part of the Hacking HR April Series “Agile HR: Integrating Agile Methodologies into Strategic HR Plqnning and Execution” Our esteemed panelists have all pioneered the implementation of agile practices within HR. We had Christina Herrmann…
Digital Transformation in HR: A Strategic & Tactical Roadmap – Key Takeaways
As we wrap up an enlightening panel discussion on digital transformation in HR, I’m compelled to reflect on the depth and breadth of insights shared. The importance of a people-centered approach in navigating through digital transformation was a resonant theme, emphasizing HR’s pivotal role in steering organizations towards success in this digital era. A heartfelt…
Harnessing the Power of HR Technology: Insights from Industry Leaders
As the moderator of the panel discussion on “HR Technology: Strategic Technology Analysis and Tactical Implementation,” I, Rod Hutchings, had the privilege of engaging with a distinguished group of HR experts who shared invaluable insights on navigating the evolving landscape of HR technology. The panelists, including Kay Nadel, Lindsey Garito, Ajeeth Anand Viswanath, and Kasara Weinrich, brought a wealth…
Harnessing the Power of HR Technology: Insights from Industry Leaders
As the moderator of the panel discussion on “HR Technology: Strategic Technology Analysis and Tactical Implementation,” I had the privilege of engaging with a distinguished group of HR experts who shared invaluable insights on navigating the evolving landscape of HR technology. The panelists, including Kay Nadel, Lindsey Garito, Ajeeth Anand Viswanath, and Kasara Weinrich, brought a wealth of experience…
Navigating Change Management: Key Takeaways from a Panel Discussion
Change is a constant in today’s dynamic work environment. Whether it’s driven by technological advancements, evolving employee expectations, or shifts in workforce dynamics, organizations must adapt swiftly to thrive. Recently, I had the privilege of moderating a panel discussion on “Navigating Change Management Strategically and Tactically” for Hacking HR. The insightful conversation with HR experts…
Navigating Change Management Strategically and Tactically
🚀 If you manage any type of change, this panel is a must: Unveiling the secrets of managing change that really works. 🚀 🗓️ Mark your calendar: April 1 | 7.00 am Pacific Time. An unmissable opportunity to glean wisdom from the frontline of change management. In an era where change is the only constant,…